News & Updates

A word of warning: There are a number of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Skype accounts out there that are FAKE. Some of these apparently try to scam money out of visitors. If you are texting with someone claiming to be Brent who is asking for money, you can be sure you're dealing with a scammer. Please let us know about such attempts so that we can warn everyone. The correct links to Brent's accounts are on the Homepage of the site. You can read more about this issue here.

Friday, July 26, 2024

UPDATE 3: We're getting closer to solving and fixing the "File not found" issue when you click on certain content folders in the password-protected area. These are: any folder named ICYMI... on pages 2-5 on Brent's Area and many, but not all, folders on pages 1-5 on the Buddies Area. So most of the content is available to you. We hope to have the remaining problems fixed soon.

Once again, we apologize, but please be patient a while longer.
Member Services

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Today's video - LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ... - is another updated version of a video from a few years ago. Brent shot it on his favourite Caribbean island looking for a tourist-free place to do what he loves to do, lol.

We're still working on fixing the problems that started last week. We've identified most of them, but it will take a little while longer to fix them. Please be patient.

All the best,
Member Services

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

UPDATE 2: We've made some progress, i.e. you can now login to the password-protected pages again. But we haven't solved all the problems yet. On Brent's Area and the Buddies Area, the first 3 or 4 pages aren't working yet and you'll get a "file not found" message. On the later pages that problem becomes intermittent. We're still working to find the cause of that problem, but we hope to have a solution soon.

Fingers crossed,
Member Services

Saturday, July 13, 2024

UPDATE: Our webhosting company is updating the hardware where the site is uploaded, including moving to a new server. While this is being done, the password-protected pages may not be accessible because of the security software used to prevent unqualified login attempts. You may already have noticed that when you try to login, no security word is displayed. Hopefully this situation will be resolved quickly. We are also investigating the possibility of a hacker attack on the site.

Member Services

Thursday, July 11, 2024

There has been a problem since last late night with some pages of the password-protected parts of the website. The first three pages of both the Brent's Area and the Buddies Area will give you a "file not found" response when you try to access a video and that continues intermittently with later pages. So you can still see most of the content of the site.

Our webhosting company is investigating the problem. It may be the result of a technical glitch or even a hacker attack. It's possible that the site may have to be closed down for a short time, if it has to be moved to a different server. Hopefully, we'll know more soon and the problem will be solved. In the meantime, please be patient and accept our apologies for the breakdown.

All the best,
Member Services

Sunday, June 30, 2024

This skype show - A Nebraska Skype - was with a fan from Nebraska when winter had already started both there and in Calgary where Brent was living at the time; both are located on the prairie, and yes, it was really cold outside! A good time to generate some heat, even if you're separated by a thousand miles and computer screens are small, lol. Even Brent's dog got curious, as you'll see.

All the best,
Member Services

Monday, June 3, 2024

A Very Messy Bedroom, today's video, shows us that Brent's bedroom was a mess that morning on his favourite Caribbean island and he (as usual, lol) didn't feel like fixing it. He just wanted to go to the beach instead. But he was horny as hell. So he thought, why not jerk off quickly and film it as well so he could share it with you. And this is the result. After that, he spent a lot of time on the beach and relaxed...

Member Services

Saturday, May 4, 2024

With Brandon Wilde on a Caribbean Vacation is an updated version of the video Brent and Brandon shot on Brent's favourite Caribbean island where they were to shoot a number of videos together. This one started out with both of them together on the beach. Unfortunately, as you'll see, it wasn't private enough, so Brandon continued by himself in the backyard around the pool. He really went all out. Go ahead, keep him company on the Buddies' Pages.

Member Services

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

This Skype video - "EVENING SKYPE" - is an updated version of a live Skype show Brent did with a fan just a little while before he had another appointment. So things were a bit hectic, but everything worked out as it was supposed to, lol. Take a look...

All the best,
Member Services

Friday, March 1, 2024

Today's video - "IN A CARIBBEAN BEDROOM" - is an edited version of a live webcam show from Brent's parents' place in the Caribbean. It's a bit longer than usual because he spent some time talking with the participants about what inspires him when he paints. We decided to keep this first 10 minute segment because many members love his art work. Following that, he went on to..... well, you'll see. ;-

Member Services

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I survived my birthday yesterday in Toronto. And, if you can believe it, the temperature here was 15 degrees Celsius, instead of the usual 2 degrees. Today's video is an updated version of "Saying Good-Bye to the Caribbean", where the weather is always nice except during hurricane season, lol.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Brent shot "SKYPING WITH FRANCE" a few years ago was quite surprised by how many of you were online when he did this Skype show with a fan from France. Well, a good audience also helped make this hot video. This one was only minimally edited to give you a feel for how they go. So take a look...
I hope you're having a good New Year so far, despite all the snow and the flooding that's plaguing us in many places.

Member Services

Friday, December 29, 2023

Brent did this video - "IN A CALGARY BEDROOM" - a few years ago when he was visiting friends there. He had recently gotten a new tattoo on his right shoulder which he talks about and some others which he was planning to get. Of course, he has them now, lol. But take a look.

Happy New Year!
Member Services

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Brent shot "ART OR SEX?" a few years ago when he was preparing for his first professional art gallery exhibition in Toronto (it was very successful). He just took some time off from painting to do this webcam show for you. And he went right back to work when he was done. He said that he really needed this bit of decompression! :-P

All the best,
Member Services

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Brent filmed - "FUCK HIM UP PART 4" - as a co-production of and a while ago in Barcelona, Spain. The video stars Tayte Hanson alongside himself and as you'll see, it's a very hot scene. A sort of "good-bye fuck" after a break-up. If this ever happens to you, let's hope it goes down something like this for you...

Member Services


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Today's video - "SKYPING IN THE HEAT" - was shot when Brent was still living in Calgary, Alberta. It really gets hot on the Canadian prairies in summer. It's just the opposite of winter when you might as well be at the North Pole. Brent was trying to give up smoking (again, lol). You'd think that it would be easier when the temperature is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (about 35 Celsius). See what happened...

Member Services

Monday, September 18, 2023

Brent shot today's hot little video - "A LITTLE DISTRACTION" - a few years ago in Toronto with Steve's help while they were waiting for a friend to arrive from the States. Of course, as you know, it doesn't take much encouragement to get Brent to show what he's made of. And the outcome this time was very tasty he said, lol.

Member Services

Friday, August 25, 2023

Brent shot "A CARIBBEAN HELLO!" a few years ago while visiting his parents in the Caribbean. He often goes there because it's one of his favourite places. It's more difficult to film outside there now because the number of tourists has increased hugely in the last few years. Brent's mother's dogs are always around at home and you can hear them barking in the background. As you'll see, they didn't disturb Brent at all. This is a hot video!

Member Services

Monday, July 24, 2023

Today's video - "VISITING NIAGARA FALLS" - is a reminder of Brent's first visit to Niagara Falls (the Canadian side) a few years ago. He got really close to the falling water, as you'll see. Naturally, all this activity got him really horny (as you know, it really doesn't take much, lol). Knowing this would happen, Brent had scheduled a live webcam show from the Falls. This is what happened during that webcam... Take a look!

Member Services

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The first Toronto Pride parade occurred in June 1981. For most of its history, Pride was a seven-to-ten day festival centred on the final week in June, with the parade falling on either the last weekend in June or the first weekend in July. Over a million spectators are expected to be there this weekend. Brent shot today's Skype video - "SKYPING DURING PRIDE MONTH" - a few years ago during Pride Month. As you can imagine, it's a busy time for him and hopefully for you as well, lol.

Also, from June 29th to July 6th, Brent's Fleshjack Combo packs are ON SALE for 30% off. Check the Fleshjack link on the homepage for more info.

Enjoy your Pride Day! Enjoy your life!
Member Services

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Brent did this updated version of "SHOWER SKYPING" in the bathroom and shower a while ago. As you'll see, you get a longer look at his butt than usual because the fan he was skyping with has a bit of a butt fetish. We hope you end up having one as well by the time the video ends, lol. And, as Brent said, he loved the long shower.

Member Services

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Brent shot today's video - "IN THE BACKYARD" - in his parents' place on his favourite Caribbean island. He had to be a bit quieter than usual because there's a road on the other side of  the fence and a lot of people walk or ride bikes on the island. So privacy is a bit of a problem now. Still, he managed, lol. Take a peek.

Member Services

Tuesday, March 28,2023

Brent is finally back in Toronto, just in time for spring. While he's getting settled, here's a webcam video from a while ago. "IN THE LIVING ROOM" is a webcam show that took place just a few hours before he had a gig at a club in Toronto. He decided to show off a new costume for the event and to demonstrate how to put on a cock ring, among other things. He also talked a bit more than usual. But don't worry, as you can see from the pictures, he didn't forget why you came to see him either... ;-)

All the best,
Member Services

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Brent did another Skype video a while ago that is also one of his favourites. "SKYPING WITH AUSTRALIA" is a bit special because he and his partner were almost half-way around the globe from each other but had good video quality both ways. So they could watch each other get off and talk at the same time. It's not that long a video, but I hope you like it anyway...

Member Services

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Brent is about to fly to Milan, Italy, in a few days. But he'll be back in Gran Canaria soon. In the meantime, here's an updated version of "SKYPING WITH (BIG) DICK". This is why Brent loves skype shows - you get to see your partner and interact with him. This time his partner had a humongous dick. Unfortunately, we can't share it with you. But you can see the effect it had on him... So cum and take a look, or the other way around, lol.

All the best,
Member Services

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Today we're going back a bit once more. "TO FLUFF OR NOT TO FLUFF" is a webcam Brent did with a friend who first wanted to be his fluffer, but then decided to stay behind rather than in front of the camera. But his presence still did the trick - as you'll see, Brent exploded all over the place. More new videos are coming soon from Gran Canaria and perhaps from Italy.

Member Services

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Brent is enjoying his stay on Gran Canaria. The weather is wonderful and the island itself is beautiful and full of visitors from all over Europe. His German fan insisted on doing another Skype call just in time for the New Year. So, they shot today's new video - "A NEW YEAR'S SKYPE FROM GRAN CANARIA" - on New Year's Eve. Here it is, not very long but fun.

Happy New Year everyone!
Member Services

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A couple of weeks ago, Brent flew to Gran Canaria, which is a series of islands in the Atlantic ocean that are part of Spain. He's going to be based there for about the next three months and making a few short trips to other European countries. Today's video - "SKYPING BETWEEN GRAN CANARIA AND GERMANY" is his first video from there, in this case a Skype video with a fan from Germany. Enjoy!

Have a happy holiday season!
Member Services

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Brent is on his way to Europe again for a while, so today's video is another of his Caribbean videos from a little while ago - "ON A CARIBBEAN BED". It's not a long one, his (recording) equipment was damaged on that flight, so he had to use his cell phone to shoot it. Also, there were other people in the house at the time so it's a bit quieter than usual. Of course, you don't really have to make a lot of noise doing what comes naturally, lol.

Member Services

Friday, November 25, 2022

And now it's a few weeks after Halloween and our American friends are celebrating Thanksgiving, about six weeks after we celebrated it in Canada. So, today's re-edited video is "A POST-THANKSGIVING WEBCAM". It's from a couple of years ago when Brent was still able to do regular webcam shows which were "participated" in by fans. Unfortunately, with his current life-style, moving around a lot, it's been impossible to continue doing these. But I hope you enjoy this one just the same.

I hope Thanksgiving was fun for you!
Member Services 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

So, it's Halloween once again. It seems only right to show you "BRENT, HALLOWEEN & THE TOMB" once again. Of course, it's no secret that the Halloween videos are among Brent's favourites. He was able to spend a lot of time designing and building the sets for them. Among the things you know him best for are his artistic talents - painting, set designing and construction. So, enjoy this one once more.

And watch out for monsters on Monday!
Member Services

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Today's video - "ON THE ROOF WITH MARK & CODY" - is from Brent's San Diego days. You'll find it on Page 1 of the Buddies Area. It was a hot summer day when he shot this video, so these two didn't waste any time getting their clothes off and starting their well-rehearsed exercise program. Again, it's an updated version of the video and of the picture gallery.

Member Services

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

"BACK IN THE CLOSET..." is one of Brent's favourite webcam videos. He went back into the closet to do this webcam show because it was huge and had a fantastic mirror. You could have a party in there, or at least create a work of "art" on the mirror. So, he decided to try it out and here's the result... :-)

It's an updated version using today's software. I hope you enjoy it even if you've seen it before.
Member Services

Sunday, September 18, 2022

"ON THE QUICK", is another updated Skype call video from a while ago. This one is from Toronto. It was a hot summer's day, but Brent couldn't do the show outside on his patio because of some neighbours who insisted on being outside on their patios in the sun and drinking beer... It's not very long, but has a great cumshot, ha ha.

All the best,
Member Services

Friday, September 2, 2022

Sorry about the lengthy silence, but both Brent and I have been away from our computers for a couple of weeks. The updated video I have for you today is - "A CARIBBEAN SKYPE CALL WITH A FRENCH FAN". This time Brent is talking with a fan from France. They talk about many things from relationships to his love of painting. I hope you enjoy it.

Member Services

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Today's video  - "SUNKISSED" - is a co-production with from a few years ago. This is the first of several we produced together. Brent's co-star in Sunkissed is Luke Adams from He was hot, willing, and insatiable. Filming this was a hot experience. See if you don't agree. :-P

Member Services

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

So, Pride Month is over and we're into the second half of 2022. Hopefully, things will improve both health and safety-wise. We're all keeping our fingers crossed. To close the Pride Month off, today's video is "PREPARING FOR PRIDE". I guess we should have re-edited this video from a few years ago and posted it at the beginning of June, but we were hoping for some new videos that Brent shot in Europe. Unfortunately, his equipment problems have still not been resolved, so please be patient yet a while longer.

All the best,
Member Services

For historical news items, check out the News Archive.